Our success depends on the skills and commitment of our people. Consequently attracting the best people is a fine start. We believe in the fact that Together Everyone achieves More (TEAM)
Integrity and Ethics are very important for us. Not only do we expect you to have these qualities but we expect you to expect the same from us.
You are welcome to send us your resume by email in soft form. Remember to include information about your education, marks obtained, nature of work experience, previous/current employers, current & expected emoluments etc.
Please send your resume by email at [email protected]
Indian Law Students Internship Programme
Final Year Students are encouraged to apply for the Internship Three Months in Advance in form of recommendation Letter from the respective Law School / University duly signed by The Vice-Chancellor or Head of the Law School.
The internship/fellowship program for your students will be for a minimum period of one month. The student has to arrange for his own lodging and boarding.
A limited Stipend of INR 5,000 shall be paid.
A Certificate of Attendance / Testimonial shall be issued by Trans-India Law Associates after successful completion of their Internship.
Interested Law Students can send their Resume along with recommendation Letter of the Vice-Chancellor or Head of the Law School at [email protected]
Foreign Law Students Internship Programme
Over the Years Trans-India Law Associates (TILA) has developed the Foreign Law Students Internship Programme. The objective of this programme is to give Interns the opportunity to learn about Legal Practices in India.
We invite applications from the students of your esteemed University to our law firm for an internship/fellowship program. In a long run this will also strengthen the ties between Legal fraternity in India and your country.
The internship/fellowship program for your students will be for a minimum period of one month. The student has to arrange for his own lodging and boarding and a limited stipend shall be paid by TILA.
Final Year Students are encouraged to apply for the Internship Three Months in Advance in form of recommendation Letter from the respective Law School / University duly signed by The Vice-Chancellor or Head of the Law School.
A limited Stipend of INR 5,000 shall be paid. However, the cost of living per month is estimated to be INR 15,000. The candidate has to bear along with the insurance cover.
A Certificate of Attendance / Testimonial shall be issued by Trans-India Law Associates after successful completion of their Internship.
Please email us advance copy of the recommendation Letter from the Head of the Institution at [email protected] along with your resume.